Hi Deian,
I did it already myself, it was not the looks but the text of the email, I adjusted the code for button 3 and added 2 lines to the language file.
This is for preview button
<span class="a-btn4-text">' . JText::_('COM_QUICKSELL_INKIJK') . '</span>
<span class="a-btn4-slide-text"><span class="thePrice">' . JText::_('COM_QUICKSELL_INKIJK-2') . '</span></span>
<span class="a-btn4-icon-right"><span></span></span>
in language file:
and this for showing price with tax in button, it hard coded, not very elegant, but I don't how else to make it work. Do you have any better ideas?
<span class="a-btn4-slide-text">' . $this->currency_symbol . '<span class="thePrice">4.95</span></span>