I've just tried to upgrade to Pro version and had several issues
1. Looks line DB update is not working properly. Somehow none of MySQL install queries been executed and I had to manually launch each of them from script.php file.
2. At the beginning of setting up I got "undefined index storageDir" error. Don't remember exact file name, but looks like class.php:
if ($this->cfg == '') {
I'd change it to:
if (isset($this->cfg) && $this->cfg == '') {
to avoid any issues.
3. If you change storage directory to something new, you'll get a bunch of errors on Files page:
Warning: filesize(): stat failed for /home6/netvitil/public_html/thekrotek/extensions/filename.zip in /home6/netvitil/public_html/thekrotek/administrator/components/com_quicksell/class.php on line 607
Guess an extra checkup is needed or simple warning like "File filename.zip was not found. Maybe you didn't move it to the new storage folder".
4. Not an issue, but Russian Ruble is now in the list of available PayPal currencies as well. You should add it.