admin wrote:
I did some more testing and Omkar, you are actually (not that I had any doubts) completely right regarding the problem.
ItemId is there BUT when using cart mode it's WRONG.
So the initial assumption was right.
You are still eligible for a complete refund if you want one.
Good, as we say, shit happens and this time it was our turn.
I have to make my decisions yet and after waiting 3 weeks for a working shop
and waiting to see update files in my account (still doesn`t show as of today)
mine is to discontinue with J3, which is completely removed from my server.
I switched back to J1.5, confirmed on my site
My paypal transactioncode is: 8AT18917UG469493B (from omkarmusic)
I can claim the refund myself, but I want you to do it voluntarily.
Just trigger the refund and we do business again.
I will return back and trigger purchase when I have the time for J3.