I just got this component and I am having troubles.
1. I upload a zip file for people to buy a software. I tested it myself and the name of the file is uploads. Is possible to change the name to the actual file to what it is name on the backend?
2. When I download the file it does not download as a zip folder. It has a microsoft logo and a littl box under it. It does not open at all. How can I get it to download the actual zip file with the software in it?
3. How can I change the payment image?
The administrator has disabled public write access.
It sounds like your changing the file name on the backend without the .zip at the end. If there is no .zip windows don't know what type of file it is. Most likely this is why there is a windows emblem on the unknown file.
Personally I have had no issues with .zip files that people have downloaded.